Hi, I’m Chloe!

I’m an Australian based photographer with a Greek heritage. I draw a lot of inspiration from my background, the rich culture of Greece and my travels throughout Europe and Australia.

I utilise film photography in most of my work, and love the process of experimentation and exploring different techniques with this particular medium. In a world where everything is so instant, I enjoy the element of surprise and truly savour the process of every shot.

I’m available to shoot events, products, family and individual portraits for business or personal use. I love to collaborate and share ideas and aim to capture the essence of every subject in front of my camera.

Photography is a platform to celebrate life's beauty- from the big moments to those that pass by so fast they might be missed. Regardless, I’m grateful to have the opportunity to work with the world and wonderful people in such a special way.

I’m so excited to invite you on this journey of discovery, connection, and visual storytelling through my lens.

contact me

contact me

If you’d like to shop my photographic prints click here

If you’d like to work together contact me at
